
Come back November - all is forgiven

So far, St. Swithin is proving to be one damn fine meteorologist.  We've had at least one rain shower a day since.
But yesterday, after the morning shower, the sun came out - and brought along its buddy humidity to play.
Now, many people find humidity to be an every day occurance so I'm sure to get little sympathy.  But there's a reaon why I live in Southern California and not, say, the Amazonian rain forest.  LA may be the weather home of the hot, but it is also the home of the dry.  No heat index for us (although we get fire hazard warnings instead, so I'm not sure we win).
In fact, living with humidity is much better than fearing all your earthly possessions will go up in a brush fire.  But since the closest brush to me in LA was at least several miles of concrete and asphalt away, I was pretty content.  Not even desert-like days caused much concern, because the wonderful thing about living in a arid environment is that no cloud cover means no natural blanket keeping the day's heat from escaping into the ether.   You're pretty much guaranteed a temperate night.  And it gets cooler the closer you are to the Pacific Ocean breezes.  Since I lived four miles from the beach, it was the rare night when I cursed my building's owners for being too cheap to invest in central air.
But as I discovered yesterday, humidity lives up to all its cliches.  And to add insult to injury, I have curly hair that no amount of Frizz-ease will subdue.   For some reason, rainy weather just makes it form more intense ringlets; but humidity makes it resemble a dandelion in severe need of good puff of breath.
So come back November-like weather.  All is forgiven.  I don't want to wear my summer clothes after all - especially if it means feeling like I am taking a bath in them each time I walk outside.
(Lucky for me, today is back to overcast and dull - yay!)

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